After attending the opening night of Disneyland’s Oogie Boogie Bash 2024, these are all the tips and tricks you need to know to navigate the night stress-free and with the best utilization of your time. Many of these tips I have not seen listed anywhere else!!
Oogie Boogie Bash is easily the most popular after-hours event and strategically planning your night will go far in getting the most from your time. Whether you’re attending for photo-ops, treats, or wait-free rides, hopefully, you will find this post incredibly helpful.
1. Utilize the DCA photographers during the mix-in (3pm-6pm)
There are photographers placed all over Disneyland California Adventure, especially in Carsland. If you want to get cute photos with your family, friends, or sweetheart, I highly suggest seeking them out before the event starts.
Once the event starts there are not as many and lines for all photos get really long. This is also a great way to get photos if you do not care as much about taking photos with the characters. Just tell the photographer you want to take fun creative photos that aren’t so posey and let those creative juices flow!
2. Hocus Pocus photo-op at Oogie Boogie Bash 2024
The most popular photo-op at this year’s Oogie Boogie Bash 2024 is easily Mini, Daisy, and Clarabelle dressed as the Hocus Pocus witches. I recommend lining up for this photo-op at 5:30pm before the event officially begins.
Surprisingly, the Oogie Boogie Bash 2024 Maps that are handed out are so vague and do not tell you what photo-ops are where. I asked 4 different cast members and they had no clue either. The Hocus Pocus photo-op is next to Monsters Inc. and across from the Cruella Treat Trail.
Update as of 9/16/23: The line in the beginning of the evening is now incredibly long. It is reported the best time to hit this photo-op is right after the last parade for the shortest wait time. Some even said the line is as short as 10 minutes if you go after the second parade.
3. Villians Grove
Villians Grove is the longest line at the event. It is out of control and easily a 1-2 hour wait. But here is a tip. Villians Grove does not begin until the sun sets. If you are going to the Oogie Boogie Bash 2022 in September it likely will not be open when the event starts.
This will give you time to run over after your first photo-op. Make sure you are in line for Villians Grove 30 minutes before the sun sets. Trust me, the 30-minute wait will be the shortest of the evening.
4. Treat Trails
No one really explains the treat trails very well so let me break them down for you. The treat trail features several stations with candy and healthy treats, usually 4 altogether. The cast members hand out a handful of candy at each station or a healthy treat such as Sunchips or Graham Crackers. At one treat trail, you will receive 2 handfuls of candy and two healthy treats. The candy is always the same at each treat trail and is a mix of snickers, mars, 3 musketeers, twix, skittles, and starburst.
At the end or in the middle of each treat trail is a popular evil character that you can take a quick photo or video of. They also interact with the guests as they move through the line. These lines are relatively quick but some are much longer than others, such as Ernesto from Coco and Cruella.
My advice, if you just want lots of yummy treats, find the shortest treat trails and just go through them as many times as you want. I went through the Maleficent Treat Trail 3 times with zero wait so I could stock up on sun chips. The shortest treat trails I found were Maleficent, Grizzly River Run, and Marvel Land.
5. The Parade
The Parade at Oogie Boogie Bash is hands down my all-time favorite Disneyland parade. Each night there are two of them at 7:45pm and 10pm. Do not miss the beginning of the parade. The most wonderful part is watching the Headless Horseman ride down to start off the parade!
6. Wait-Free Rides
Some people care about the rides and others don’t. I personally love that there is no wait for rides, especially ones I don’t go on much anymore since they got rid of the fast passes. If you want to go on Cars with barely any wait, go during one of the parades.
7. Treat Bags
Bring a large candy tote. The one they give out is tiny. Even better, match your tote to your costume!
If you’re a Magic Key holder. You can pick up a special tote at Symphony Swings. I love how no one tells you this is available, but they are cute mini vinyl totes instead of the plastic bag they give to everyone else.
Update 9/9/22: You also get regular-size candy and there is a Magic Key popcorn bucket. If you’re a Magic Key Holder, do not miss this area of the park during the event!
8. Magic Key Holders or Purchase an All-Day Ticket
If you’re a Magic Key Holder or keen on purchasing an all-day park hopper, get into California Adventure by 2pm to avoid crazy parking and entry lines. I made the mistake of arriving on time to an after hours event and the parking took 45 minutes with entry into the park taking another 45 minutes. Never again!
Arrive by 2pm the latest and put your name on the waitlist for Lamplight Lounge or Wine Country Trattoria. Enjoy a nice late lunch and at 3pm you can get your Oogie Boogie Bash 2022 wristband inside the park. You’ll find the check-in on the opposite side of the Wine Country Trattoria.
9. If you’re a pin collector
The Oogie Boogie Treat Trail has a spooky pin they’re handing out.
10. Dining
If you dine at Wine Country Trattoria before the event, you can request the pre-fixed dining package when you arrive. It is a $59 3-course meal which will also give you access to a reserved standing area for the parade.
If you really want front-row viewing for the parade and a nice cozy seat, you can book the Dessert Party at Sonoma Terrace. This includes a selection of spooky desserts, beverages, and a seat at tables that are set up front and center for the parade. This is $89 per person.
Throughout the night, I highly recommend utilizing mobile order. Towards the evening after 8pm, there are limited food options available. I had to order from Pyms Test Kitchen and that chicken sandwich was awful. In the evening the only thing available is the Cozy Cones, Pyms, and Corn Dogs.
Discover More Disney Tips
There you have it, my top 10 tips for Oogie Boogie Bash 2024, if you have any questions at all, comment below and I am happy to answer.